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Chaos infinite: an interview with Chicago drum God Alex Boyajian

Writer: Eli MooreEli Moore

What’s up, Alex! Thanks for doing the interview dude!

Thank you for interviewing me! I appreciate it!

For the readers that don’t know you, could you tell us a little about yourself and what bands you play in?

I'm Alex! Tbh, you're one of the only people to call me that I'm impressed you know my name. Everyone calls me Beaver! Usually what I go by but you can call me whatever! I am a drummer in a bunch of Chicago-based bands such as MH Chaos, Bitter Thoughts, Illusion Of Choice, Wonnie, Turquoise, and Chaosphere. Some bands I was in that are no longer active are Piece Of Mind, Inferno, and Bodybag.

What got you into music and wanting to play in a band? Any particular moment in your life that made you go “I want to do that!”

Since I was about 3-4 years old I can remember loving music with the CDs and tapes my mom had. I went to a battle of the bands my brothers were in when I was in elementary school and went to my first show in about 5th grade I believe. It was a punk show down the st at our local VFW. I got my first pair of drumsticks there from one of the drummers. I would say that had a big impact on my trajectory.

Who are your top five influences and what drew you to their particular style?

Bjork, Meshuggah, Mike Patton (Faith No More, Mr. Bungle), Zach Hill(Death Grips, Hella) and Depeche Mode.

Definitely all over the place. All these artists have their sound and is very distinct to their name. It's inspiring that groups/people can be distinguished by certain qualities that they have that are special that none else can replicate. And being able to highlight those qualities to bring forth the light of their true art and expression. It's hard to stay true to, your own vision, but these artists have.

You’ve played in a handful of legendary Chicago bands. Could you tell us a bit about them and are you working on anything new?

Idk what you consider legendary but being asked by Dan Bond(Streets of Rage, No Zodiac R.I.P.) was an honor as to growing up in the scene and playing shows with early no zodiac , I was stoked. Was a fantastic time we had and Dan pushed me to write more than any of my other bands. Blessed for sure. I'm always working on something new. Right now Chaosphere is writing an album and just recorded a two song promo for it that will be out in the next month(assuming this is coming out soon) and Illusion Of Choice is also writing an album with a two song promo coming in the next two months!

One of my favorite bands you’ve been a part of is Bodybag and I saw your last show at Beatdown Nation 2018. How did that band start and could there be a reunion in the future?

The band started after my friend Sergio (silverhammer, Mal Intent, sector, Hold My Own) asked me to be in Inferno with him and Dan. Soon after Dan asked me to start a band with Gerardo (No Zodiac) and so it was the beginning of Bodybag. That show was such an emotional but amazing experience. As for a reunion, I honestly don't see it happening any time soon. Unfortunately.

This is a question I’ve had for a long time but how did you get the name “beaver”?

It's not a good or funny story. More mundane, when I was in high school I just was goofin with the buds and said Beaver in a funny way. It was really my best friend who just started calling me it in the hallways and everyone followed suit.

What’s the craziest show you’ve been to or played?


Man, that's a tough question as I go to/play so many shows I tried to keep a log last year but it was too much. So I'll tell you my favorite show I've ever played. Was in 2014-15 I can't remember exactly but my punk band Piece Of Mind got asked to play an after show at some DIY spot. The lineup was us, Freedom, Build and Destroy, and Rzl Dzl. We opened the show and our first song was a stop and think cover and the place was packed as Judge just played the metro I believe. As we start playing everyone went nuts and somehow there was a glass brick wall separating the stairs(we were on the second floor) that got broken down by all the moshers but I didn't stop playing. Everyone was fine and it ended up being one of my favorite memories as this was the first time I smoked a bowl while watching live music. Every band killed it that night and Lee Spielman was there doing a DJ set after the show ended.

Now for a fun question. What’s an album by a band you love that everyone else thinks sucks?

This question is easy because I listen to Mr. Bungle. Everyone asks me if I actually listen to them and I do very much so.

Thanks for doing this interview Alex! Hope we meet again sometime and what can we expect from you in the future?

Of course man! I know we will see each other again soon! All you can expect from me is more music, more bands, and more shows! Much love, appreciate you having me on! 


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