1. Hey James! Thanks for taking the time to do this interview, been looking forward to interviewing you.
That's sweet g, I'm always keen for this type of shit.
2. For the readers that don’t know you, could you introduce yourself real quick and tell them what bands you play in.
Well, my name's James aka melburn murda designs I've probably done at least one design you own. As for bands Excarnate, Judged By Twelve, Deliquesce and I also rap under the moniker Dastardly
3. What got you into music and wanting to play in a band? Any particular moment in your life that made you go “I want to do that!”
So my old man got me into music but it was mostly Aussie rock like Midnight Oil and a bit of metal, but my uncle listened to hardcore and showed me Mindsnare aka Kings of Australia, and sick of it all and growing up Bmxing all my mates either played in local bands or went to shows. I honestly started doing bands more out of necessity because no one in Australia was doing the music I wanted to see anymore.

4.Who are your top five influences and what drew you to their particular style?
Deformity(bel) most evil shit you've ever heard. Suffocation(USA) changed the whole way in which I saw death metal at a young age. Cryptopsy(can) vocal patterns and just chaoticness. Revenance(USA) if you ain't heard them do yourself a favor best long island band. Built upon frustration(usa) Pittsburgh style nothing else needs to be said. Honorable mentions no retreat, back of tha neck, dropsaw, mindsnare, life love regret
5.Currently, you’re the vocalist of Deliquese but you’ve played in a few other bands I’m a fan of. How did you become a part of Deliquese and what other bands have you been a part of?
I'm glad you dig the stuff I create. Deliquesce was started in and out of covid lockdowns as a project for me Adrian and Ricki to mash our styles together and create something that is rarely seen in Australian death metal Adrian is a wizard and with the help of Armando to its become piss easy. Fun fact Deliquesce was conceived in a literal crack den haha. Excarnate was the first and it was mega fun. Milks is possibly one of the dopest drummers in Australia sus his band extortion and Gareth is a freak with the guitar and Davy is a living breathing thugged-out breakdown. Judged By Twelve is a new project I'm doing featuring members of Excarnate but is more in the vein of hip hop crossed with hardcore album dropping soon
6. In addition to being involved in metal and hardcore, you’re also a graffiti writer. How did you get into that?
Graffiti is an obsession of mine haha, I started pretty young but was just into tags and throw-ups. I had a graphics teacher in high school sizes cr who taught me how to sketch Wildstyle and earlier on I met Napies ci pfk and he basically taught me everything I know, he was my mentor and my best mate a true king of Frankston line sadly he passed away a few years back from complications from a long life of drug use. It's kinda crazy to think that I watch a lot of hardcore kids turn their noses up at these people call them junkies when they will never understand the hardships and shit I have seen my friends go through on the street hence why I don't take half of the scene remotely seriously you ain't even lived yet haha.

7. What’s the craziest show you’ve been to or played?
Been to, that’s easy Concrete fest in Birmingham UK saw Raiden, cold hard truth, laid 2 rest, splitknuckle, world of pain, cdc, 50 cal, bun dem out and watched Tim from Cold Hard Truth annihilate people with a barrier. Played excarnate album release and deliquesce 2nd show in New Zealand
8.What’s the hardcore and metal scene in Australia like? I know there’s some pretty cool bands from there but who are some bands from there that people should give a listen to?
It's good atm but we still deal with pc lovers and people who think they are a whole lot more important then they are in the grand scheme of things. Bands to check out there's a lot but here's a few. Threshold, winnerz circle, putrescent seepage, bifurcation, algor mortis, custodian, mindsnare, hell on earth, forwarned, knuckle dragger, hangman, bloodmouth, bully squad, near death experiance, vile apparition and for hip hop traz, shuckas, toxoid and Bronx, ruewms, mogy, craver, posseshot, ot, kills squad.
9.Now for a fun question, what’s an album by a band you love that everyone else thinks sucks?
Cryptopsy-and then you'll beg fuck anyone who ain't a fan.
10. Thanks for doing the interview James! What can we expect from Deliquese in the future and anything else you wanna say before this ends?
My pleasure bro love connecting with my USA homies. For the young and old start a band make music do something different that’s not cookie cutter boring pc safe hardcore or death metal and put back into the scene run shows n support your mates that’s how this shit stays alive. Shouts to my girl Suzie, my bro Nathan, 38 snub ( tell Connor to put down the Saisons and hops and do new music), my homie Beach from Pyrexia, Missing link, press on ahead, soul blame, streets of hate, lumpy at daze, northern unrest, vomit forth, cc from Algor mortis and shouts to the PFK, 1201, VD, TFD crews.